Personal account vs compensation account

Each Stebby account consists of two parts: a personal account and a compensation account.

In Stebby, each Regular User has a personal account, i.e an account where you can add your personal money and purchase Services at your own discretion, regardless of how a Service is set up. When you have added personal money to your Stebby account you can pay for Services quickly if you don't have compensation, if the compensation offered by the Company has run out or if the price of the Service exceeds the amount of compensation offered by your Company.

The money in your personal account does not expire and does not have any purchase restrictions.

If the Company you work at offers you compensation, then you also have a compensation account. This account is associated with the Company and your employer can provide you compensation if they have activated a compensation plan for you. The amount of compensation and the period for which the compensation is given are set by the Company.

In the menu on the left on your Stebby account you will see the account balance as the sum of two different account balances, as well as the personal account balance and the amount of compensation offered by the company separately, along with the compensation plan details if you have a plan assigned to you.

NB! The balance of your compensation account may change when your job changes. Your personal Stebby account, however, is permanent.

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