How to change the employees’ compensation or add the compensation manually?

An employee's compensation amount can be changed/increased on the Company's Stebby account in the "Employees" view.

Before changing the account balance, make sure that the employee whose balance you're going to modify has a compensation plan attached to them!

  1. To change an employee's compensation balance, check the box in front of the desired employee(s). If you want to change the compensation for all employees, check the box at the top of the employee list.
  2. Select "Balance" from the colored bar that appears.
  3. Enter the desired amount into the box provided and select the "Edit Balance" option.
  4. "Add money" vs "Set balance"
  • The "Add money" function adds the amount indicated in the box to the employee's existing account balance.
  • The "Set Balance" feature changes the employee's current compensation balance to the new amount specified in the box.
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