What happens when my ticket has expired?
If your ticket has expired, it cannot be used, reactivated or extended by the Service Provider. The funds used to purchase a ticket that is now expired are not eligible for refunds. The Service Provider can mark your ticket as used only when your ticket is valid. Since the Service Provider receives the sum of the ticket only when the ticket is marked as used, you should notify the Service Provider of your purchase in a timely manner.
Stebby's team has done their best to ensure that the ticket's expiry date is provided at every step of the ticket purchase process and we also send an informational e-mail to the User right after ticket purchase. We also send the User 2 notifications before ticket expiry - 14 days and 7 days before the ticket expires so that the User has enough time to contact the Service Provider to receive the service or extend the ticket if needed. The Service Provider can extend tickets only if they are notified in a timely manner.
The Service Provider cannot find an User's ticket if it has expired. This is why it's important that the Service Provider marks your ticket as used before it can expire.
If you cannot find a suitable time to receive the service but your ticket is about to expire, you can contact the Service Provider and ask them to mark your ticket as used and provide you the service later on.
If you have reserved a time to receive the service, but your ticket will expire before the reservation date, then you should contact the Service Provider to have your ticket extended or talk it through with the Service Provider for them to mark your ticket as used and provide you the service on the agreed date.