How to choose and change the Event Organiser account's Package?

The Event Organiser Package can be selected or changed in the Event Organisers account "Settings" - "Package" view.

In this view, you can see brief information about different packages and below it you can also see the Package that is currently applied to your Event Organisers account. You can read more about Packages here.

There are three different packages for the Event Organiser to choose from - Starter, Standard and Gold. Each package has its own purpose - Starter has the full functionality, but it can only be used until the account reaches 1000€ revenue; Standard is suitable for all Event Organisers who use Stebby as a daily option to provide registrations to their events conveniently and safely; Gold whereas is suitable for Event Organisers who always want to be first and reach more users and registrations through a variety of marketing options.

Service fee rates

The service fee rate depends on the package. 

Starter - 0%

Standard - 2,5%

Gold - 10%

The service fee is deducted automatically at the time of withdrawal.

Changing a Package

If you want to select a Package with a higher service fee rate - the Package will be changed automatically after selecting the appropriate Package, except for the Gold package which needs an approval from Stebby. 

NB! It is a prerequisite that you have made a withdrawal before the Package change and that your Event Organiser account balance is zero.

If you want to choose a Package with a lower service fee rate - the Package will be changed within a maximum of 30 days after selecting the appropriate Package and an automatic withdrawal will be made corresponding to the current Package's service fee rate. Stebby will apply the Package change automatically.

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