How to add Discounts on Stebby?

How to add a discount?

Discounts can be added by Service Providers under the Sales & Services menu tab, after opening the Discounts sub-menu and then "Add discount".

  • Estonia - All Standard and all Gold packages. Starter cannot use!
  • Latvia - All packages can use!
  • Lithuania - All Standard and all Gold packages, Starter cannot use!

To add a new discount, click on the “Add new discount” button.

Discount details section
  1. Create a name for your discount (The name of the discount is not public).
  2. Select the discount amount, which can only be a percentage.
  3. Choose whether you want to create a discount for “All users” or “Company”
    1. “All users” = To make a discount code for all Stebby users you would need to select “All users” from the radio button's list. This selection is chosen by default on Stebby. When you create a discount our system generates a random combination of letters and numbers that will become the discount code field's value. If you wish then you can also customize the discount code field's value to make it look and sound unique, for when a User is makes a purchase with the discount code you have created. Keep in mind of the following limitations when customizing a discount code:

      Minimum number of characters allowed = 6

      Maximum number of characters = 12

      Characters allowed = All numbers and all Latin letters

      Special characters allowed = - (dash) and _ (underscore)

    2. “Company” = To make a discount code for a Company using Stebby, you would need to select “Company” in the radio button's list shown at the right-hand side. Then, in the Company value field, enter the Company's name which you would like to create the discount code for and click on the Company's name you want to create the discount for. By doing this, all the employees of that Company can now use the discount you have created without having to enter the discount code into the discount code field - our system will automatically double-check whether they correlate to this Company’s compensation plan or not before applying the discounted price for them. Keep in mind that you can only select one Company at a time for whom you are creating the discount for. If you wish to make discount prices for multiple companies, then you'll need to create separate discounts for all the Companies.
Discounted services section

You can add a discount for:

  1. Point(s) of Sale
    1. When creating a discount for a Point of Sale, this discount code will apply by default for all Service groups and Services that are purchasable (active) in this Point of Sale at the moment of the discount code creation.
  2. Service group(s)
    1. When creating a discount for a Service group, then this discount will apply by default for all services that are purchasable (active) in this Service group at the moment of the discount creation.
  3. Service(s)
    1. When creating a discount for Service(s), then this discount will apply only for selected service(s).
  4. Or a combination of the aforementioned.
Discount settings sections

In this section, you can choose which setup you want for your discount to have:

  1. Discount start date
    1. When you select a discount start date it indicates the first day when Stebby Users can use this discount to buy your services. This field is not mandatory as if a date isn't set, the discount will become active after creating it.
    2. The discount start date cannot be later than the discount end date.
  2. Discount expiry date
    1. When you select a discount end date, it indicates the last day when Stebby users can use this discount to buy your services. This field is not mandatory. If the end date is not selected, then this discount will apply until you manually deactivate the discount.
    2. The discount end date cannot be earlier than the discount start date.
  3. Discount redemption
    1. When selecting a discount redemption amount it means how many purchases in total can be made on Stebby using said discount. This field is not mandatory. If this field is left empty, then Users can perform an unlimited amount of purchases using this discount.

Now the only thing left to do is to click “Save/Create” and the discount will become active using the parameters you have set!

If you press “Cancel”, then the discount will not be created and all the data you have entered will be lost.

What does the information I see mean?

  1. When you have created a discount, it can have 2 different statuses:
    1. “Active” = Discount is usable for “All users” or for a specific “Company” you have selected.
    2. “Inactive” = Discount code is unusable for “All users” or for a specific “Company” you have selected.
      1. Discounts can become “Inactive” in various ways:
        1. You manually de-activated them (read point c. below)
        2. By reaching the redemption limit (if previously set)
        3. By reaching the period end (if previously set)
        4. The current date is earlier than the starting period of the discount code (if previously set).
    3. When no-one has used your discount code or you made mistakes while creating a discount code, you cannot edit or make changes to your discount code any more. You can only “Delete” or “Deactivate” the discount code.
      1. “Delete” → Action that is only usable when no-one has actually used the discount code yet. After deleting a code, it will not show up on your Stebby account's discount code history.
      2. However, if someone has already made a purchase using the discount, the only way to make this discount unusable is by “Deactivating” it. Please keep in mind that users who have already purchased a discounted service service will still need to redeem said service.
  2. When you have opened your “Discounts” tab you will see a list of all the discounts you have created. Clicking on any discount will reveal additional information, which is:
    1. Name - The name that you gave to your discount.
    2. Code - The discount code that the User needs to apply before making a purchase.

      NB! This only applies when you have created a discount code for “All users”. If you have created the discount for a specific “Company”, then this field is empty.

    3. Value - This indicates the discount percentage value which is calculated from the services' “Stebby price”. If a “Stebby price” has not been set then the discount will be calculated from the services' “Regular price”.
    4. Usage - This number indicates how many times this discount has been used.
    5. Redemption limit - Indicates the number of times this discount can be applied. For example if the redemption limit is set to 1000 and a discount is applied to 1 Point of Sale with 3 Service Groups and 10 Services, then all Users can make a total of 1000 purchases for 10 services, not that any User can each buy said services a 1000 times. If a redemption limit has not been set you will only see a dash in this field.
    6. Discounted services - This will give you an overview of what kind of Points of Sale, Service Groups and Services have discounts applied. This section can be opened as a “drawer” type so that you can see all the discounted Service groups and services.
    7. Start time - First date when the discount can be used by a User.
    8. End time - Last date when the discount can be used by a User.
  3. Discount code field value is not unique. For example you can create two different discount codes with a similar discount code field value (for example STEBBY) to offer different discounts for different services.
    1. In edge cases, it may happen that one Point of Sale has similar discount code field values which you have created, in use. In that case the system will automatically assign the highest discount code value for the user.
  4. Discount codes can only be applied to pre-purchasable tickets. They cannot be used for on-site purchases.
    1. Discounts created for Companies also apply for on-site purchases, because in these cases the system checks for the discount applicability rule automatically
  5. Discount percentage is calculated from the services' “Stebby price”. If you have not set a “Stebby price”, then the services' “Regular price” will be used.
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