How to activate an API key and how to add/change the codes of services on Stebby?

An API key allows you to integrate Stebby's cashier system with third-party cash register systems. For example: Mobi, Noom, CompuCash.

NB! Usage of API is only available in the Standard and Gold package.

The API key can be activated on the Service Provider's account in the "Sales & Services" - "Points of sale" view by selecting "Edit POS" at the appropriate point of sale and scrolling down to the corresponding button.

After activating an API key, the "Show key" button will appear, which will show the API key associated with the Point of sale when clicked on.

The technical guide for the cash register system technician can be found HERE.

Once you've activated the key, service codes must be added to the Services for sale on Stebby. The codes are provided by your cashier system. You can add service codes in the "Manage Point of sale services" view.

  • Enter the service code from your cashier system in the "API code" field of the appropriate Service.
  • Make sure there are no spaces in front of or behind the numbers!
  • Once the codes have been added, you can sell the Services from your cashier system.
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