What to do after purchasing a ticket from Stebby?
If you bought a Ticket from Stebby, the amount of the ticket will not reach the Service Provider immediately. For the Service Provider to get the amount, you need to contact the Service Provider and notify them of your purchase. In reality, the Service Provider can mark the Ticket as "Used" only after you have booked a time to receive the Service or when you have received the Service.
When purchasing a Service from a Service Provider's Stebby page, please also read the information on the Service Provider's page!
Service Providers will write on their Stebby page how to proceed after purchasing a Ticket (what information must be provided by e-mail, whether a date must be booked etc.). If the Service Provider has not added additional information to their page, then you can go to the Service Provider's Point of sale with the Ticket you purchased and after showing your personal identification document, the Service will be provided to you. To avoid later confusion, you can notify the Service Provider immediately after purchasing the Ticket. Add the name of the service, your name and also the Ticket code to the letter.
You can find the contact of the Service Provider on their Stebby page on the left side of their page. The Ticket code will be displayed to you in the window that opens after purchasing a Ticket and also in the "Tickets" view on your account. Additionally, the Ticket code will be sent to you via e-mail along with a confirmation letter after the purchase.
Please check for how long your Ticket is valid for and be sure to use it before the expiration date! The Service Provider must also mark your Ticket as used before it expires.
If you bought a Ticket for an Event, please refer to the guide HERE on how to proceed.