How to use the event registration form?
While creating an event, Stebby's system allows you to design an event registration form that gives you the possibility to gather detailed information from the users.
Registration form toggle button is turned on by default and the fields First name, Last name and Email fields are ticked “required” by default so that the Event Organiser would always receive at least the basic information and contacts from the registered participants.
Other fields can be marked “Used”, “required” and some fields can also be marked “Public”. “Used” means that the question in the field will be asked from the participant, but it is not required; “required” means answering the question is compulsory for the user; “public” means that the information entered by the participant would be made visible in the public participant list.
There are two ways to present the current registrations publicly - either by only displaying the registration count or by also showing the ticked “public” fields in the list, i.e. showing the participants name, competition class, team, company etc. If none of the registration information would be shown publicly, both toggle buttons would need to be switched off.
NB! To protect the Users’ privacy, the registration list cannot be changed to public after the first registrations have been made.